libero|liberos in English


(Soccer) sweeper (defender who plays closest to his own goal behind the rest of the defenders)

Use "libero|liberos" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "libero|liberos" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "libero|liberos", or refer to the context using the word "libero|liberos" in the English Dictionary.

1. Translation for: 'omnium rerum, ex quibus Aliquid acquiritur, nihil est agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius' in Latin->English dictionary

2. Teenager Libero (Jean-Claude Vernè ) is entrusted to his three Aunties : Mimì (Femi Benussi 30-y) , Benedetta (Pascale Petit 37-y) , Fiorella (Marisa Merlini 52-y) 8

3. Modalità semplice (ripara in 1 click!) Libero (GPL open-source license) Utile (riassunto sulle informazioni del Boot per ottenere aiuto via e-mail o sul forum preferito) Sicuro (backup automatici) Affidabile (400.000 utenti …

4. Confessiones, De baptismo contra Donatistas, De libero arbitrio voluntatis, De divinatione demonum and De diversis quaestionibus VII ad Simplicianum, in Latin, DECORATED MANUSCRIPT ON PAPER [southern Germany or Austria, late 15th century] 310 x 210mm

5. Cesser, finir, terminer, prendre fin up-stage antitoxins Afrikaner boli li vas? proeffabricagecentrum rovnost prsten rabo de saia area development department (n.) ses omnium rerum, ex quibus aliquid acquiritur, nihil est agricultura melius, nihil uberius, nihil dulcius, nihil homine libero dignius PVC praven குடற்புழு

6. Et in statu corporis nihil inest, quod Animadverten- dum esse ipsa natura iudicet? quem ad modum quis ambulet, sedeat, qui ductus oris, qui vultus in quo- que sit? nihilne est in his rebus, quod dignum libero 5 aut indignum esse ducamus? nonne odio multos dignos putamus, qui quodam motu aut statu videntur

7. Deve unirsi con lo Yuh Yi Joo e Ascendere al paradiso.: It has to unite with the Yuh Yi Joo and ascend to heaven.: Quindi Elisabetta dovrà Ascendere al trono senza di me.: So Elizabeth will have to ascend the throne without me.: Verso la Testa, sei libero di Ascendere.: Headward, free now to rise.: Lascia che Gotham cada così che tu possa Ascendere.: Let Gotham fall so you may rise.